The reason we need to worship every Lord’s Day is because we need our priorities realigned. We need a spiritual tune up. We are complex creatures, and so this is necessarily a complex matter. Our loves need to be aligned with God’s loves. Our hatred needs to be calibrated to God’s hatred. Our desires need to be reoriented. Our values need to be reset. Our perception of reality needs a refresh. The world, the flesh, and the devil are busy coming at us with lies and distortions, and we have sinned. We have logs in our eyes.
How important is that situation at work? How much time should you give to that Facebook discussion? How much should you care about local politics? Are you spending enough time with the kids? Movies? Reading? Camping? There are so many good things in this world, so many potential distractions, so many needs, so many challenges, so much confusion, so much sin. How do you know what you should do? Sometimes we’d all like a detailed script for our lives from God, with minute by minute instructions.
But God wants us to grow up into wisdom. He wants us to depend upon Him. To pray and talk to Him about all of it, to confess our sins and repent of them, to read His word, and learn to walk with Him. And the center of all of that is meeting with Him here, together with His people, on the Lord’s Day, and what we are here to do? We are here to worship Him. So this is what we need. We need to worship Him. When we worship God, we become more like Him. When we worship Him, we are changed a little more into the particular reflection of Him that we were created to be.
So as a minister of the gospel, I summons you to worship Your King now. Come before Him with joy and trembling. Come before Him in all humility and love, and surrender all that you are to Him. Cry out to Him, praise Him, and ask Him for His Spirit, for His wisdom, for His grace. And you are most welcome.
Photo by Hosea Georgeson on Unsplash
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