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Keeping Your Heart in the Long Slog

Acts 25:1-27 Prayer: Father, we bow before Your glorious name. We confess that we are self-centered creatures and so often we can only think of ourselves. But we acknowledge this world, this story, our lives are for Your glory. So we ask for your Holy Spirit to be given to us now so that we

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He Has Given Us Bread

Jesus said, “And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive” (Mt. 21:22). And the apostle says, “And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight” (1 Jn. 3:22).  These are verses that make Reformed Christians a

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On Trial for the Judgment

Acts 24:10-27 Prayer: Father, I ask that you give us Your Holy Spirit this morning so that we might have a true sense of Your holiness and purity and justice. Please use this Word like a great mirror so that we might see ourselves accurately. I pray that You would not allow any of us

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Racism, Homophobia, Leftist Framing, and other Real & Imagined Sins

IntroductionThe political Left is a Christian heresy. From Rousseau to Nietzsche and from Darwin to Marx and all of their cultural and political descendants, one of the common elements between them all is a disingenuous and deceptive assumption of certain Christian principles or ideals while jettisoning the unifying fabric of the whole. This goes back

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Other Channels

I've got a bunch of irons in the fire. Here are some other places where you can get a hold of other content I'm a part of churning out.


CrossPolitic (Christ over politics) mixes the taboo formula of faith, culture, and politics to bring the clarity of the gospel into muddle America. We are a community of Christians who desire to see the Lordship of Christ in every corner of our culture, reigning over every politician, and changing every individual for our good and His glory.

Christ Church

I'm an associate pastor at Christ Church. Christ Church is a great trove of resources for worship, discipleship, and teaching. Go take a turn on the Christ Church's website to get the latest sermons, music library, and upcoming conferences and events.

Canon Press

I've written a few books which Canon Press has kindly published. Canon also publishes a ton of other great books. You could spend a good deal of coin and get a great deal of benefit from all their resources. They always have great deals and exciting new releases. Check them out.



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