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Toward a Protestant Feudalism

IntroductionA little while ago, I posted, “The multicultural globalists want to blend all cultures into a bland humanism, but the blood-and-soil types end up insisting on superficial divisions. Covenant is the key to an earthy and biblical unity and diversity, or what we might call a Protestant feudalism and Christendom.” Everything hinges on what centers

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Communion as Christian Culture

The task of bringing our children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord is a task of enculturation. We are teaching and training, but it’s far more like coaching football or soccer than a dry lecture hall. Good parenting means tons of practice. Preparing to obey. Practicing obedience. Practice saying “thank you.” Practice

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The Potential of Young Men

Acts 23:12-24[The audio/video for this sermon is available here.] Prayer: Father, we live in a land that has hated young men, despising their strength and energy and refusing to train it, and so we are reaping a great whirlwind of despair and anger and destruction. Please use this text to teach us to love the glory

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Sean & MaryBeth

How do you know the will of God? Many people refer to the will of God sort of flippantly. They imagine that the will of God is whatever they really want to do, whatever they were already planning to do. But that seems strange since lots of things people really want to do aren’t very

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Other Channels

I've got a bunch of irons in the fire. Here are some other places where you can get a hold of other content I'm a part of churning out.


CrossPolitic (Christ over politics) mixes the taboo formula of faith, culture, and politics to bring the clarity of the gospel into muddle America. We are a community of Christians who desire to see the Lordship of Christ in every corner of our culture, reigning over every politician, and changing every individual for our good and His glory.

Christ Church

I'm an associate pastor at Christ Church. Christ Church is a great trove of resources for worship, discipleship, and teaching. Go take a turn on the Christ Church's website to get the latest sermons, music library, and upcoming conferences and events.

Canon Press

I've written a few books which Canon Press has kindly published. Canon also publishes a ton of other great books. You could spend a good deal of coin and get a great deal of benefit from all their resources. They always have great deals and exciting new releases. Check them out.



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