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Revoice for Nazis

IntroductionSo a few years ago, Lucy once again offered to hold the football for Charlie Brown, and by this we mean that homosexuality was offered to conservative Christians under the guise of “gay celibate friendship” and “side B Christianity.” A conference called “Revoice” was hosted by a PCA church with a tagline about helping LGBT

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Gratitude & Culture War

[The video of this message can be found here.] Prayer: Father we know that we must have wisdom in order to live well, and we know that we must have wisdom in order to fight sin and evil well. You tell us to seek wisdom with our whole heart, and that You will give wisdom

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Brother Wars and the Antioch Declaration

IntroductionSo there have been some doings of late. There was a particular pastoral situation that spun into the spotlight like a helicopter crash, and the pieces are still falling out of the sky. There was a Declaration published, an Antioch Declaration, in fact. And there have been a bajillion comments on it all. And it’s

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How to Be Real Americans

Fight Laugh Feast 2024 Introduction Repentance means “turning around.” Repentance means putting off sin and putting on righteousness. It means to stop lying and tell the truth. It means to stop stealing, get a job, work hard, pay your bills, and be so diligent that you have some extra to give to those in need

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Other Channels

I've got a bunch of irons in the fire. Here are some other places where you can get a hold of other content I'm a part of churning out.


CrossPolitic (Christ over politics) mixes the taboo formula of faith, culture, and politics to bring the clarity of the gospel into muddle America. We are a community of Christians who desire to see the Lordship of Christ in every corner of our culture, reigning over every politician, and changing every individual for our good and His glory.

Christ Church

I'm an associate pastor at Christ Church. Christ Church is a great trove of resources for worship, discipleship, and teaching. Go take a turn on the Christ Church's website to get the latest sermons, music library, and upcoming conferences and events.

Canon Press

I've written a few books which Canon Press has kindly published. Canon also publishes a ton of other great books. You could spend a good deal of coin and get a great deal of benefit from all their resources. They always have great deals and exciting new releases. Check them out.



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