The attempted assassination of Trump and the murder of Corey Comperatore have unmasked the hatred of the radical Left and their media shills for what it is: murderous. And it is right and good to hate that evil woke virus seeking to destroy our nation.
We cannot “unify” with those who hate us like that. We cannot “unify” with those who want us and our Christian way of life in America dead. We can and must pray for our enemies. We can and must refuse to stoop to their level of barbarism and lawlessness. But we can and must resist this coup with all our might.
But in order to resist the enemy forcefully, we must identify the enemy clearly. I said the evil virus we must hate and fight is the “woke” movement. It is the DEI hatred of hard work, honesty, and creativity. It is the Marxist subsidizing of racism, bitterness, grievance farming, victimhood, and at the core of it all: envy. This is the core of the murderous hate. Cain hated his brother because God accepted his brother’s sacrifice. Envy is a murderous hate. It despises what God has given to others. It may be covetous; it may want what they have. But it may just as easily simply hate reality as it is. Envy fundamentally hates and resents God, but since human beings cannot get at God, they strike at His world and at His image bearers. Envy seeks to tear down what God has done and rearrange it. This is why envy is inherently violent and murderous.
God made the world the way it actually is with mankind made in His image, male and female, and not a Baskin Robbins of gender identities or sexual orientations. God gives human life in His image at the moment of conception, and we are required to honor and protect it, until or unless we have clear permission from the One who gave it that it may be taken (e.g. just war, capital punishment). God defines marriage as one man and one woman, and all other arrangements as perversions, adultery, and fornication. God owns everything because He made it all, and therefore, He gives it to those He pleases, and to whom He gives land and houses and wealth, we are required to honor those gifts, protect those gifts, and not steal them, whether by thugs at gun point or through unjust regulation and taxation, but I repeat myself.
RL Dabney said that conservatism is the party that never conserves anything but merely the shadow that follows radicalism to perdition. He said that in the 1890s, and it remains largely and tragically true. Therefore, if we are to truly fight this coup in our land, it has to be rid from our own ranks. It was Trump himself who only a few years ago celebrated a congress with the most female members in history. That is the DEI woke virus being celebrated by our current Republican leader. Certainly, the occasional woman will be in a position to serve in a political office in dignity (e.g. Deborah), but if we want traditional marriage and traditional families, we must celebrate the rarity of women in office and not the feminist destruction of our families.
As much as I enjoyed the fairly traditional pop Hollywood offering of Top Gun Maverick, the DEI placement of the woman in a combat cockpit is a perfect example of our Republican DEI problem. Gotta have that nod to feminist and egalitarian gods, even though they are complete fabrications and lies, even though they lead to murderous destruction and harm. Anatomically, woman’s heart simply does not pump blood at the same rate as a male heart. If men would blackout with those g-forces, the woman more so. And God says it’s as much an abomination for a woman to wear the gear and weapons of a man, as it is for a dude in a dress to be hawking his wares to little kids in public libraries (Dt. 22:5).
The images of the attempted assassination and the failure of secret service agents, particularly all the women involved, have highlighted the acute danger of DEI policies. It’s not just inappropriate and sinful, it puts people in danger. A faithful father, a hero, was killed protecting his family because apparently the female head of secret service was concerned about a roof being too sloped. Behold your woke feminist gods. They promise you sex, and in the end you get shot.
The Republican National Confusion
So we come to the Republican National Confusion… er, I mean Convention, and Harmeet Dhillon and Amber Rose are the DEI picks of the planners, not to mention Mark Robinson going on about his goal of becoming the first black governor of North Carolina. And my point is not that Mark Robinson wouldn’t potentially be a great governor of North Carolina. I hope he will be. But when he makes his skin color one of the key factors in why he would be great, he is trying to compete with Kamala Harris, which, to be clear, is a massive self-own. For all I know, there’s never been a red-headed North Carolina governor either, but I don’t think red hair tells us anything about competence, wisdom, or integrity. Why are conservatives still talking like DEI Marxists about women and race? And why are some conservatives doing the same with Jews?
And Harmeet Dhillon may be welcome to speak and offer her support of Trump, but you cannot fight the woke demon by invoking it. And what I mean is that to call on any other god, except the Triune God is to blaspheme the true God. And that it is an act of violence against the true God and His world. If Republicans can bow before Waheguru, then why can’t doctors give thirteen-year-old girls mastectomies? And why can’t men participate in women’s sports? If you don’t want confusion about male and female on the ground, then you cannot have confusion about whose image they bear in Heaven. If it is the true God who created Heaven and Earth and sent His Son Jesus, then worship Him. If it is Waheguru, then serve him. But the RNC just celebrated a tranny prayer: so why can’t California decide not to tell parents if their children want to transition?
All affirmative action, DEI, and woke grievance culture insists that when bad things have happened, it is not enough to simply repent and do biblical restitution. The Marxist religion says that those who have been oppressed, must be “empowered.” Equality must be achieved by force, whether by government policy, protests, riots, or broad cultural revolution. And this is because this radical virus ultimately rejects God and His Word. If there is no God and if He has not spoken clearly to tell us how to live in this world, then we must be the masters of our own fate. We must seek to remake the world according to our own wisdom. It must be done by force.
But not only has God clearly spoken, He has sent His only Son into this dark world in order to save it, in order to remake it. The woke mind virus is not merely a rejection of God and His Word in general; it is a rejection of His salvation and His Savior in particular. This is where public policy can do very little to really help us. If our hearts are raging mad, good law and policy can only do so much good. Of course, those in power should govern according to God’s law and establish true justice in the land, but those raging hearts must be calmed for it to have any long term success. You cannot solve stage 4 cancer by opting for stage 2 cancer.

The woke, DEI, victim-culture mind virus must be destroyed, but it must be destroyed in the Republican party, otherwise, we are the shadow following the radicals to perdition. And I fully realize that there are wheels within wheels, currents pulling in different directions. Some of the speakers at the RNC were no doubt chosen by certain parts of the establishment and maybe weeks or months in advance. But the goal of true conservatives ought to be to continue pushing the Overton Window with the images of the secret service women and the “sloped roof” nonsense. Women are glorious creatures who are to be honored and protected as women. And therefore, they are not to be pastors, combat soldiers, police officers, UFC fighters, or secret service agents. And their highest callings are to make homes, to be wives and mothers, to practice hospitality, and serve their people with great wisdom. And therefore human life is to be honored from conception, and marriage is between one man and one woman. All of this goes together because God is God, and we are not.
So the real test of our resolve is whether we will resist this evil all the way down into our own lives. Will we repent of all such murderous hate? Will we completely repudiate it or will we only resist its most gaudy, debauched forms?
Will we repent of the murderous hate that crushes the unborn in every form of abortion? Or will we go along with the new RNC platform, softening the call for equal justice and protection for all human beings?
Will we repent of the murderous hate that destroys families through porn, fornication, adultery, sodomy, and the trans jihad? And will we repent of inviting sex-hustlers to speak at our conventions and for removing language from the RNC platform affirming marriage between one man and one woman?
Will we repent of our murderous hatred against our parents, our envy of our neighbors, and our resentment of the wealth and success of others and toleration of unjust regulation and taxation to fund socialist government programs?
They say the bullet that grazed Trump’s ear missed killing him by an inch. As Trump said, that was God alone that spared his life. God alone. So what will it be, America: the Triune God of Scripture or Waheguru of the Sikh or Orgasma of the Porn Stars and sodomites? Light or darkness? Light can have no fellowship with darkness.
And to the Republicans tempted to cowardly cave and compromise on these issues in the name of unity (and I’m looking at you, organizers of the Republican National Convention): our enemies want our leaders dead, want our children dead, want our Christian way of life dead. This is no time to make peace with any of that. This is not the moment to back down. This is the moment to fight for life from conception, the glorious differences between male and female, marriage between one man and one woman, and other basic moral principles like: thou shalt not steal and thou shalt not covet. Trump dodged a literal bullet, and our nation seems to have dodged the bullet of a great deal of turmoil and distress. Whatever Trump means by it, we should absolutely stand up now and fight.
Eric says
I like how if it’s the left you call it evil, but if it’s the right, you call it “confusion”. Hypocrisy of Christianity at its finest!