“And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed …
Bible - Genesis
Fifth Sunday in Easter: Tenth Commandment: Gen. 18:16-33, Eph. 1:3-22, Jn. 21:15-25
Introduction In the Tenth Word, God forbids His people to covet anything …
Second Sunday after Easter: Eighth Commandment: Gen. 2:8-3:13, Phil. 4:8-19, Lk. 12:13-34
Introduction The Eighth Word introduces perhaps one of the areas of …
Third Sunday in Lent: Sixth Commandment I: Gen. 3:1-24, Rom. 5:1-21, Matt. 5:17-26
Introduction The prohibition of murder is fundamentally connected to our …
The Exact Hem Lines of the Fig Leaf Skirts
God created the world good, and He created it for man to enjoy in communion …
Second Sunday in Lent: Fifth Commandment II: Gen. 17:1-11, 1 Jn. 2:1-17, Jn. 8:28-59
Introduction Looking out over the congregation at TRC, we must recognize …