“…from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love” (Eph. 4:16).
Paul is basically saying that the way the body grows is by every part doing what it was made for. This doesn’t mean that everybody needs to be a foot or a hand or an eye. If everyone were only one organ and everyone had the same function, we wouldn’t be a body, and we wouldn’t grow. But everybody in the body has a function, a purpose and if you don’t do what you’re made for, the body will suffer.
This is part of what this meal means every week. We are all renewing covenant with God through Jesus. We get our strength and nourishment ultimately from Him, but what’s wild and surprising is that Jesus intends to strengthen and nourish us through other people. As we renew covenant with God, we are also renewing our covenant with one another, promising to do our part, promising to give what we have been equipped to give. This is what this meal means. It means that by the broken body and shed blood of Jesus, God is equipping every believer to minister to the body. So as you take this bread and wine this morning, think about how God has blessed your through the people around you and give thanks for them. But also think about how God has blessed you so that you might be a blessing to those around you. You will receive the bread and give the bread. You will receive the wine and give the wine. It’s the same principle. Don’t be a dead end, a cul-de-sac of grace, be a pipeline, be a river. As you have freely received, so freely give.
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