Today around this country, many Christians are remembering the Roe vs. Wade decision from 40 years ago which left some of the weakest, most vulnerable members of our society undefended, unprotected. And millions of lives have been taken as a result. We stand with our brothers and sisters protesting this monstrosity, this barbarian holocaust. And we plead with Jesus to hear their cries, to forgive us, and to turn us from this great evil.
At the same time, I want to call us this morning to be more consistently pro-life. We are pro-life, but we have to recognize that there is more to being pro-life than merely protecting the life of the unborn. It certainly includes that, but there is more than that. And I want us to consider two areas in particular. First, we want to continue to grow up into a community that shelters and protects women, particularly those coming from abusive relationships, in crisis pregnancies, those most tempted, most vulnerable to considering abortion. And we also want to offer forgiveness and cleansing and healing through Jesus to all women who have had abortions. And there are many. There are some in our churches, and there are many in our community.
Lastly, men, God calls upon you to protect your wives and your children. Some of you are functionally pro-choice. You may walk in the Walk for Life, you may vote for supposedly pro-life politicians. But you are functionally pro-choice. You are gentle and kind and gracious to your wife and children whenever you choose to be. And sometimes you choose to yell at them, perhaps be rough with them, lose you temper with them, curse at them, or simply ignore them. God has given us in this congregation over 100 children, and they are most welcome. Children, you are most welcome here. And we underline this every week when we invite them along with us to partake of this meal. But you may not offer the bread and the wine to your little girl and then go home and ignore her and treat her like she just gets in the way. Do no pass the loaf of bread to your wife and then bear bitterness in your heart toward her.
This meal is God’s declaration that He is Pro-Life because He gives us His life. He gives His life for us and for the life of the world. So come. Here is forgiveness. Here is love. Here is acceptance. Here is welcome. Here is grace. So put away your grudges, put away your anger, put away your selfishness and come.
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