Staying Put
Once again the Daily News, that bastion of fundamentalism, has made a declaration regarding the future of Atlas School. I’ve come to enjoy the Daily News as a sort of extended comics section in general, although I must say they are improving in some areas here and there.
However, late last week, perhaps Friday, a front page story was run on the outcome of the Board of Adjustments hearing. The headline ran something like: “Atlas to leave downtown Moscow.” With a number of qualifications that statement might be true. But as far as journalism is concerned it’s like announcing that NSA is a worthless education or that peas and carrots are gross. As Jeff Bridges once said, “that’s just like your opinion, man.” And opinions are generally relegated to the ‘Opinion’ page.
But the fact of the matter is that Atlas School has no current plans to leave downtown Moscow. The law allows for due process, appeals and other judicial forms of discussion, and we’re still pursuing those rabbit trails.
The Board of Adjustments did reject our appeal of the zoning administrator’s decision to ‘enforce the code against Atlas School’. In a 3-2 vote it was their determination that Atlas School was a “school” and as such was excluded from the downtown because the word “school” does not appear in the Central Business District zoning guidelines, even though it does specify that “similar institutions” are allowed. And one would think that “churches, synagogues, commercial schools” would be “similar” to “schools.” One brave man, who incidentally was accused of being affiliated with Christ Church (he wasn’t), argued in our favor that “schools” could be considered “similar institutions” because after all, “similar institutions” are nowhere defined in the holy writ as excluding schools. That man can follow an argument. But, as the courageous gentleman found out, diversity and open mindedness are code words for getting rid of anyone remotely related to the aforementioned institution.
jon says
I’m reminded of another scene with the same Jeff Bridges character. The following is ourtesy of
Could you please keep your voices down–this is a family restaurant.
Oh, please dear! I’ve got news for you: the Supreme Court has roundly rejected prior restraint!
Walter, this isn’t a First Amendment thing.
Sir, if you don’t calm down I’m going to have to ask you to leave.
Lady, I got buddies who died face-down in the muck so you and I could enjoy this family restaurant!
{The Dude gets up.}
All right, I’m leaving. I’m sorry ma’am.
Don’t run away from this, Dude! This affects all of us!
{The Dude has left frame; Walter calls after him:}
Our basic freedoms!
{He looks defiantly around.}
I’m staying. Finishing my coffee.
{He stirs the coffee, bopping his head in time to the Muzak, affecting nonchalance.}
Finishing my coffee.
jon says