There are many people who, when God’s hand is out against them, will say that they are troubled for their sin, but the truth is, it is the affliction that troubles them rather than their sin. Their heart greatly deceives them in this very thing…
Oh, many deceive themselves in this saying, that they are so troubled for their sin, and especially those who are so troubled that they are in danger to miscarry, and to make away with themselves… I remember I heard not long long since of a divine who was judicious, and used to such things, to whom came a man mightily troubled for his sin, and he could not tell what to do, he was ready to despair. The divine looked at him, and said, ‘Are you not in debt?’ he confessed that he was, and at length the minister began to find out that that was his trouble rather than his sin, and so was able to help him in that matter, that his creditors should not come on him, and then the man was pretty quiet, and would not do away with himself any longer….
We must take heed of dallying with God, who is the seer and searcher of the secrets of all hearts. Many of you go sullen and dumpish up and down in your homes, and then you say, it is your sin that lies upon you, when God knows it is otherwise: it is because you cannot have your desires as you would have.
-Jeremiah Burroughs, Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment, 186-187.
Photo by Sasha Freemind on Unsplash
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