Jesus says that hearing His word and believing in Him makes all the difference in the world. He who hears and believes passes from judgment to acquittal, from death into life. Jesus says that this is resurrection and is no less startling than the dead in their graves coming out of the ground. He says that there will be a final judgment when all will come out of their graves and will receive either the resurrection of life or the resurrection to judgment. But the point that Jesus is making is that this process has already begun in His own day. Resurrection to life and resurrection to judgment actually begin in history, in our stories, in our lives.
So as you begin your morning, your week, your year, I want you to ask yourself: what kind of man, what kind of woman am I? Or as Jesus seems to suggest: what kind of resurrection are you? Everything hinges on this. Have you heard the good news of Jesus? Do you love Jesus? Then you are the kind of woman, the kind of man who has passed from death to life and you shall not come into judgment. You have been acquitted of all your sins. You have received the indestructible life of Jesus, the life the Father has given to the Son, and the life that the Son shares freely with all who come to Him.
This is the faith that overcomes all evil, the faith that overcomes every obstacle, faith that overcomes the world. So put away your pride. Put away your competitive, side-long glances. Put away your fear. Put away your worry. You belong to Jesus, and Jesus has given you life. Live, laugh, dream. All is yours. You are risen from the dead.
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