“You are the light of the world… let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” (Mt. 5:14, 16)
Jesus says that people are for good works. Good works are words, actions, even thoughts that extend the first good work of creation. And the only possible way of extending that first good work is through the good work of Jesus who died for sin, destroying the power of death and Satan, releasing all those who trust in Him for the mission of restoring this broken world.
In other words, you have been set free to go to war with all darkness. But many young people grow up in the church, leave home, and immediately run out and start flirting with the darkness. Maybe it’s sketchy movies or playing video games all night, maybe it’s talking like you’re a pagan, using their expressions, their crass language, their foul speech. Maybe it’s dressing as close as you can to the models in the magazines. Maybe it’s hanging out until two in the morning, drinking and smoking. But how is that bringing light to the world? You’re not doing anything useful for the Kingdom. That’s not the light of the world; that’s more like the muddle of the world. When people see those actions, they are not awe struck and wonder what makes you so different. They are not even tempted to glorify your Father in heaven because you look just like all the other thousands of lost students. It’s also like dumping gasoline all over the house and playing with matches. Sure, there may be nothing technically sinful about the actions, but it is a sin to be a fool.
If you have met Jesus, then Jesus has set you free, and there’s an enormous world out there for your pleasure, for your exploration, for your delight. Don’t be like Israel, three days out of Egypt longing for life back in bondage. You have a mission. Your life is claimed. You are not your own. You were bought with a price. Therefore, Paul says, glorify God in your body. Make every moment a sacrifice of praise to light up the world.
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