In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, and He created the first man out of the dust of the ground and formed the first woman from that man’s side. And God brought them together, and they became husband and wife, one flesh, and were given the blessing of a mission to be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, and subdue it.
And all of this goes together. There is a God and He made all things, and therefore He knows all things. He knows what all things are for. And He designed the world to be fruitful by the labors of man with a woman at his side, in the covenant of marriage, bearing children. This is the foundation of civilization. This is the foundation of all economics, all politics, all culture. This is like gravity, logic, math – this is reality, and every attempt to ignore this, deny this, subvert this, or openly destroy this is war with the world as it really is and therefore war with the One who made it all.
We confess every week that we believe in God the Father Almighty Maker of Heaven and Earth. We confess this in the face of those say that we have no Maker, that the worlds evolved by accident and chance. We confess that God is our Maker in the face of those who deny that people bear His image from conception to natural death. We confess that God is our Maker in the face of those who deny that men and women are created male and female. We confess that God is our Maker in the face of those who say that marriage is merely a custom and it can be anything that makes you happy. We confess that God is our Maker in the face of those who say that motherhood enslaves women, or that children are bad for the environment. We confess that God is our Maker in the face of those who claim to be able to reorganize the world, redistribute wealth, and bring world peace.
We confess that God is our Maker because Jesus Christ is His only Son, and that by His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension, the power of sin and death has been broken, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, we have the forgiveness sins, communion with God’s saints, the sure hope of resurrection, and eternal life now and forever.
Photo by Marco Oriolesi on Unsplash
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