As we enter this season of Lent, I want to say a word of encouragement that speaks directly into our political situation. Some of you may already feel that you are suffering enough with the talking heads and political commentators, but the simple point that I want to make is that we serve the High King who rules this place. We serve the One who set his face to Jerusalem in order that He might be rejected by men, lied about, convicted of treason and blasphemy, mocked, spat upon, beaten, and ultimately crucified on a Roman cross outside the city like a common criminal. And three days later, He walked out of His tomb alive from the dead forever announcing that all authority in heaven and on earth had become His. This mission of world conquest is what Jesus set His face toward two thousand years ago. And what was one man, nailed to a cross, naked and rejected, turned into a band of twelve, which has multiplied into thousands and hundreds of thousands and millions and now billions. Do not miss the fact that Jesus, our Jesus, is winning. He did not go to Jerusalem to try to win. He did not go to Jerusalem to try to find a way to do something different. No, He went to Jerusalem to purchase this world with His precious blood. And during this season we proclaim that mission, that path, that road, that glory. So now we cast off the works of darkness as we battle against the world, the flesh, and the devil. We proclaim our crucified and risen Savior to all men, and tell them to submit now, to bow before Him now, to kiss His feet in lavish love now. And as we face the turbulent days of an election season, and a country chasing disaster, we stand fearlessly. We have been walking this path for two thousand years. Momentum may ebb and flow from generation to generation, but we are not worried about losing. Jesus bought this place with His blood. All of it belongs to Him. So do your homework, love your neighbors, cast your votes, and smile at the future. Every knee will bow. Every knee in America will bow because Jesus set His face to Jerusalem.
john mosher says