It is necessary that Christians take time occasionally to remember how God is blessing them. And as a church it is important to do the same. It is worth noting how greatly God has blessed us over the last year as a church. In the last 12 months God has basically doubled our numbers, he has given us a number of new covenant children, he has provided this new building for us to worship in, he has provided for us financially, and blessed us with a growing community that is characterized by hospitality, joyful worship, and faithfulness to the Scriptures. We have just celebrated our first wedding together a couple of weeks ago. We have had a number of baptisms, and numerous opportunities to serve one another and others through meals, work days, and other events. This is God�s blessing to us, and we must be grateful. In the midst of these blessings we need to recognize several things: First, we should expect for God to continue to bless us. The promise of the gospel is that Jesus has been declared king of heaven and earth. It is all his, and therefore the success of the gospel in Greenville, South Carolina is sure. Secondly, we must expect to face opposition. Whenever God blesses his people there are those who become envious and jealous and want a piece, and when their grasping results in nothing, their envy turns to hatred. We must also recognize that the gospel is always the stench of death to those who do not believe. Finally, as God continues to grow us and bless us, there will be growing pains within the body. This is normal; this is to be expected. The question is always, how will we respond and how will we prepare now to respond faithfully. This takes us back to the beginning. God is blessing us. Therefore our response must be gladness, joy, and a deep, profound gratitude. The joy of the Lord is our strength. Therefore put away your pride, your discontent, your envy, your ungodly anger, and all evil. God is blessing us here and now; so come, worship the Lord.
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