Pastor Wilson has reminded us this morning that everything is grace, and that’s what this table means too. Someone has gone through the effort of harvesting grain and grapes. Someone ground the grain into flour, someone crushed the grapes. Someone else kneaded the flour and baked it, and someone else spent a lot of time cutting it up into little bites for us all. Someone mixed the grape juices together and bottled it and then someone spent a lot of time filling up all these little cups. A lot of human effort went into setting this table, just like how a lot of human effort goes into every table that we spread. Dishes are washed, clothes are pressed, food is planned, bought, prepared, and then we gather around tables and we say grace, and then we make a big, happy mess. We say grace because that’s all it is. It’s all grace, all gift.
And we thank and bless God because that’s the only reasonable response. Because it’s not automatic; it doesn’t add up. The math never works out. We always only have five loaves and two fish, and Jesus always says, ‘sit down, stop worrying, and let me feed you.’ And there are always leftovers.
So come all who are weary and heavy laden, and Jesus will you give you rest.
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