Eucharistic Meditation
We’ve considered the royal and political dimensions of the Gospel today. And now you are invited to the royal feast, the first fruits of the great Marriage Supper of the Lamb. You are the king’s sons and daughters. You are nobility. Eating at this table is a declaration of allegiance, and this means that you may not eat at the table of demons. Eating here is a declaration of loyalty. Modern Christians are infamous for hypocrisy, worshiping God on the Lord’s Day and fellowshipping with sin during the week. If you eat here, you cannot lie to your brothers and sisters. If you eat here, you cannot cut corners at your work. If you eat here, you may not speak to your children as though you have not. If you eat here, you are called to commune with your husbands and wives with the same diligence and joy. This table is a declaration of loyalty and a royal oath of allegiance. But do not think if you have failed that you are not welcome. This table is for those who know their weakness, those who know they need strength for these very things. So come in faith: you are the royal family, a royal priesthood, a holy nation. God is strengthening you and blessing you now. Come in faith, and believe the gospel: our King has come and died, but He is now risen and reigns until every enemy is put down.
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