Out of the mouth of Atlas Students
So there we were, minding our own business, reading some Greek. We were reading the first chapter of the gospel of John. We read and translate around the room, taking turns and whatnot, and then we came to verse 29. A very well known verse, where John announces the arrival of Christ at the Jordan River. The student (who shall remain nameless) read and translated until he got to the phrase “Behold! the Lamb of _______” and for whatever reason, completely blanked on the next word which is not only well known in English, but frankly, the Greek is one of the most common words ever. Anyway, as a hint I suggested that our word ‘theology’ came from the same Greek root. The lights burned bright in his eyes and he smiled knowingly, restating the verse for the record: “Behold! the Lamb of Theology, who takes away the sins of the world!”
And while we laughed at the mix up, I wondered how many people have lived and studied as though what this boy said was actually true.
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