Number Two
I saw a picture of my second descendent on Thursday. This child is actually quite small, a mere 2 inches at this point. But I am nevertheless quite pleased with the progress so far. It was quite clear that this child has two arms and two legs, a head, a body and a vigorously beating heart. How could I not be proud?
We’re excited, elated and simply thankful for another chance at making a person. Of course Jenny is doing most of the hard work right now, but I’m playing support and all that good stuff. Thanks for your prayers; number two should be here around the end of July.
Rick Capezza says
Congrats y’all.
Rebekah says
YIPEE!! Congratulations, I’m so happy for you!!
With 4 1/2 weeks till our baby arrives…
Woelke says
Toby says
Valerie Foucachon says
Congratulatio Magister Sumpter! Tuus discipulae,
Larson Hicks says
Congrats Toby – it’s pretty fun see’n em swim around in there. We’re going in to the same doctor you all go to on Tuesday to find out the sex of our number 2 baby! Cheer!